Thursday, October 4, 2012

Icon Analysis

Icons can be portrayed as many different things from objects to people.  They all represent some type of belief or myth that is important to our culture and often represent something larger than themselves.  My first icon is the Lego.

This line of products is mainly marketed as a toy for children but is often appeals to children and adults alike.  I think this product is widely recognized by most children as one of the first toys they begin to play with.  I think this product is very unique as it is such a simple idea with almost limitless possibilities as to how it can be used.  I think the only limits are a person's imagination.  I feel that this is one of the earliest toys that most children interact with that is not only educational but also very fun to play with that encourages creativity.  Of course now this toy is not only marketed to children but also branded by franchises requiring much more complexity and thought but the fact remains that this product is one of the first experiences that a child has to express their creativity and imagination is often fondly remembered into adulthood.  Due to this I think this item is one of many icons in our popular culture. 


My second icon is Michael Jordan.  For many of us, we can remember Michael Jordan not only a basketball player for the Chicago Bulls, but a superior athlete that transcended his sport to become appealing to people all over the world whether you were a basketball fan or not.  I think whether you knew the game of basketball or not, most people knew the name Michael Jordan.  Long after he retired, lots of people still compare him as a benchmark for new younger athletes in the sport to be compared against (among other legends).  His broad appeal made him easily marketable which further enhanced his image by his line of sneakers and other numerous endorsements.  I think he represents greatness that one can achieve in their individual discipline, in this case the sport of basketball.

My third and final icon is Frank Sinatra.  Like my previous icon Frank Sinatra also transcended his respective industry.  He was film actor and singer who released numerous albums.  He is also recognized in our culture as a unique individual who is remembered by his superb singing that is still not matched today.  There were many singers in his time that created music in the same genre but none could come close to match Frank's popularity.  I feel that his music was not only great for its time but is also still appealing today and is almost impossible to match by todays artists.  Simply put, he was one of kind whose music is timeless (in my opinion).  The funny thing is his music was put out long before I was born (1980) yet it still appeals to me.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Ron! Micheal Jordan is one of my most memorable icons. He was not only a tremendous basketball player, but I always wanted a pair of the MJ's tennis shoes that are still being sold worldwide today.
